Melody and Movement: Fun Music Games and Activities for Kids


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Melody and Movement: Fun Music Games and Activities for Kids

What is the first thing you like to do after a long day of work? I like to put on some soothing music and relax while letting the stress flow out of my body with the music waves. I bet many of you like to do the same. It’s interesting how music is a part of our lives through good, bad, and happy times. Whether it be the drums played by your little ones or a soothing tune coming out of the neighbor’s radio, music finds its way into our lives.

More interestingly, it has many benefits for us besides relaxation and fun. According to a study conducted by the Brain and Creativity Institute, University of Southern California, music appears to accelerate brain development in young children, particularly helping in sound, language development, speech perception, and reading skills. 

Furthermore, music has a unique ability to inspire joy, creativity, and learning in children. Engaging children in musical games and activities not only fosters a love for music but also enhances their cognitive and motor skills. In this blog, let’s explore a variety of fun music games and activities that parents can use to help their children develop musical skills at home.

Without further ado, let’s hit the right notes and explore some fun music games to entertain your little ones. 

Fun Music Activities for Kids

Introducing music to children through simple and enjoyable games is a great way to spark their interest and help them develop essential musical skills. These easy music games can be played at home with minimal materials, making them perfect for fun and educational family activities.

  • Make Your Own Music

Materials Needed: Sheets of paper, colored pens.

How to Play: Encourage children to create their own musical symbols on paper, each representing a different sound (e.g., a star for a clap, a circle for a tap). Once they have created their symbols, they can compose their own pieces of music by arranging the symbols in different sequences. This activity allows children to explore the basics of musical composition and rhythm in a creative and personalized way.

  • Musical Masterpiece

Materials Needed: Music player or computer, sheets of paper, colored pens and pencils.

How to Play: Start by playing a piece of music and have the children draw whatever comes to mind while the music is playing. When the music stops, each child moves to the next desk and continues another child's drawing. This continues until the song ends. Afterward, review the collaborative artwork to see how the music influenced their creativity. This game combines music with visual arts, encouraging children to express their feelings and imagination through both mediums.

  • Yes/No Game

Materials Needed: Space to play.

How to Play: Gather the children in a circle and start by clapping a simple rhythmic phrase. The children repeat the phrase but replace some of the claps with saying “Yes” or “No.” For example, if the original phrase is clap, clap, rest, clap, they might say “Yes, No, rest, Yes.” This game helps children practice listening and rhythm skills while also having fun with word substitution.

  • Musical Dress-up

Materials Needed: Bag of wacky clothes and accessories, chairs arranged in a circle, music player.

How to Play: Arrange chairs in a circle and fill a bag with various funny clothes and accessories. Start the music and pass the bag around the circle. When the music stops, the child holding the bag picks an item from it and puts it on. The game continues until all the items are worn. This game is a fun way to get children moving and laughing, and it also encourages them to be playful and imaginative with their outfits.

These easy activities will keep the children engaged for a good while. Now, how about we incorporate skill development in musical activities? 

Fun Musical Activities for Developing Skills

Engaging children in musical activities that are both fun and educational helps them develop essential musical skills while keeping them entertained. These activities incorporate elements of music theory, rhythm, and composition, making learning an enjoyable experience for young minds.

  • Music Theory Car Game

Learning to Read Music Through Play: Turn car rides into music lessons by playing a game where children identify musical notes and symbols. Use flashcards with different notes and ask children to name them or mimic their sounds. This activity makes use of travel time effectively and reinforces music theory knowledge in a playful setting.

  • Music Theory with Mirrors

A Visually Engaging Way to Learn Music Theory: Use mirrors to make learning music theory more interactive. Write musical notes or symbols on a mirror with dry-erase markers, and let children trace them or draw their own. This activity not only helps with memorization of music theory concepts but also enhances fine motor skills and visual learning.

  • Montessori-Inspired Rhythm Building Music Tray

Exploring Rhythms Through Organized Play Activities: Create a rhythm-building tray with various objects that produce different sounds, such as bells, shakers, and drumsticks. Children can experiment with these items to create their own rhythms or follow simple patterns provided by an adult. This hands-on activity is inspired by Montessori principles, promoting independent exploration and a deeper understanding of rhythm.

  • Stickers for Music Composition

Using Stickers for Toddlers to Compose Simple Musical Pieces: Provide sheets of paper with musical staves and a variety of stickers representing different notes. Toddlers can place the stickers on the staves to compose their own simple musical pieces. This activity introduces young children to the basics of musical notation and composition in a fun and tactile way, fostering creativity and early musical literacy.

Now, let’s take the jam sessions outside and change the tune slightly.  

Outdoor Music Learning & Homemade Instruments

Combining the joys of the outdoors with the creativity of music, these activities encourage children to explore sounds and rhythms using homemade instruments. These projects are simple to set up and utilize everyday materials, making them accessible and fun for children of all ages.

  • DIY Recycled Outdoor Music Station

Easy Setup Using Recycled Materials: Create a temporary outdoor music station using recycled materials such as old pots, pans, bottles, and pipes. Hang these items from a clothesline or a tree branch, providing children with an array of percussion instruments to explore. This activity promotes environmental awareness by reusing materials and allows children to experiment with different sounds in an open, outdoor environment.

  • DIY Tin Can Drum

Crafting a Drum Suitable for All Ages: Transform empty tin cans into drums by covering one end with a piece of balloon or fabric and securing it with a rubber band. Children can decorate the cans with paint or stickers before using them to create different rhythms and beats. This simple craft recycles materials and introduces children to basic percussion instruments, making it a fun and educational project.

  • Homemade Shaker Eggs

Simple Musical Instrument Craft Using Plastic Eggs and Rice or Beads: Fill plastic eggs with rice, beads, or other small objects to create shaker eggs. Seal the eggs securely with tape or glue to prevent the contents from spilling. Children can then decorate their shakers and use them to explore various rhythms and sounds. This easy-to-make instrument is perfect for young children and helps develop their sense of timing and coordination through playful music-making.

How about some sensory development with music by your side? 

Sensory Play & Science Activities

Integrating sensory play with music and science opens up a world of discovery and learning for children. These activities engage multiple senses, promoting cognitive development and understanding scientific principles through hands-on musical experiences.

  • Music Themed Magnet Exploration

Combining Music and Science in a Magnet Exploration Activity: Create a magnet exploration station with various objects that make sounds when interacting with magnets. Children can experiment with magnetic wands and items like metal bells or chimes, observing how magnets attract or repel different materials. This activity combines the wonders of magnetism with musical exploration, encouraging scientific curiosity and hands-on learning.

  • Montessori Inspired Sound Matching Hearts Game

Developing Listening Skills Through Matching Sounds: Prepare heart-shaped containers filled with different materials that produce distinct sounds, such as rice, beans, or beads. Children shake the containers and match pairs based on the sounds they hear. This Montessori-inspired activity enhances auditory discrimination and concentration while providing a fun and engaging way to develop listening skills.

  • Glow Stick Drumming

Engaging Zero-Prep Drumming Activity with Glow Sticks: Hand out glow sticks and turn off the lights for an exciting drumming session. Children can drum on various surfaces, creating a visual and auditory spectacle with glowing sticks. This activity is perfect for nighttime or dark indoor play, requiring no preparation and captivating children with its vibrant and rhythmic experience.

What if we add some music-themed art and craft to jam sessions? 

Music Themed Art & Crafts

Combining music with arts and crafts offers children a creative way to express their musical interests while developing their fine motor skills and artistic abilities. These activities are simple to set up and suitable for various age groups, making them a fun and educational addition to any child's playtime.

  • Xylophone Tape Resist Art

Simple Art Project Suitable for Babies: For this activity, use painter's tape to create the shape of a xylophone on a piece of paper. Let babies and toddlers paint over the tape with colorful, non-toxic paints. Once the paint is dry, remove the tape to reveal the xylophone design underneath. This project introduces young children to the concept of musical instruments while allowing them to explore colors and painting techniques safely and easily.

  • Music Tape Resist Art

Engaging Tape Resist Art with a Musical Theme for Kids: Older children can create more complex tape resist art featuring musical notes, instruments, or patterns. Apply painter's tape to form musical designs on canvas or heavy paper. Children can then paint over the entire surface with their favorite colors. After the paint dries, remove the tape to reveal the musical shapes. This activity encourages creativity and helps children understand the relationship between music and visual art, resulting in beautiful, personalized artwork.

Alright. Enough with the sitting around. It’s time to groove to the music. After all, what is even the point of music without hitting the floor. 

Games That Make You Move To The Music

Incorporating movement into musical activities helps children develop coordination, rhythm, and physical fitness while having fun. These interactive games encourage children to move to the beat, enhancing their musicality and providing an energetic outlet.

  • Dance with Props

Materials Needed: Music player, variety of props.

How to Play: Provide children with a variety of props such as scarves, hats, ribbons, or softballs. Play some upbeat music and encourage them to dance using the props. The props add an extra layer of creativity and fun to their movements, allowing children to explore different ways of dancing and expressing themselves.

  • Tissue Dance

Materials Needed: Box of tissues, space, music player.

How to Play: Give each child a tissue and play some music. The goal is to keep the tissue in the air while dancing, using only their body and movements to prevent it from falling. This game promotes coordination, balance, and concentration, as children have to manage their movements carefully to keep the tissue floating.

  • Musical Statues

Materials Needed: Music player, space.

How to Play: Play music and let the children dance freely. When the music stops, they must freeze in place like statues. Anyone caught moving is out of the game. Musical Statues is a classic game that helps children develop their listening skills, self-control, and ability to react quickly to changes in the environment.

Sounds fun, right? Let’s move on to some quiet music activities for those days when your little one only wants to relax or have some downtime.

Music Themed Quiet Book Ideas

Quiet books are a wonderful way to engage young children in hands-on, quiet play that stimulates their senses and encourages learning. Music-themed quiet book pages add an element of musical exploration, allowing children to interact with and learn about different musical concepts and instruments through tactile activities.

  • Xylophone Quiet Book Page

Exploring Shapes and Sizes, Colorful Musical Fun: Children can explore the shapes and colors while learning about the different sizes of the xylophone bars. This activity helps develop their understanding of shapes, sizes, and color recognition, all while introducing them to the concept of a musical instrument.

  • Jingle Music Note Quiet Book Page

Interactive Musical Exploration for Babies and Toddlers: Incorporate jingle bells into a page with fabric music notes. Babies and toddlers can shake the page to hear the bells jingle, providing a sensory experience that combines sound and touch. This interactive element encourages early musical exploration and fine motor skill development.

  • Guitar Quiet Book Page

Pluckable Strings Activity, Super Cute Design: Design a guitar with strings made from elastic bands or yarn that children can pluck. This page allows children to simulate playing a guitar, providing a hands-on activity that introduces them to string instruments. The adorable design and tactile engagement make it a fun and educational addition to any quiet book.


There you have it—an array of fun and engaging music games and activities to bring a symphony of learning and laughter into your home! Whether it's crafting homemade instruments, dancing with props, or exploring musical quiet book pages, these activities are sure to spark your child's creativity and foster a love for music. 

By incorporating these playful and educational games into your routine, you'll not only help your child develop essential musical skills but also create cherished memories of fun-filled musical adventures. So, grab those instruments, turn up the tunes, and let the musical magic begin.

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